Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Beginning of a Calling. Week 1

Week one of uni, and I have only had about two weeks to accept the fact that the next four years of my life will be filled with studying to be a teacher, rather than training to become a Maritime Warfare Officer in the Royal Australian Navy. Talk about life throwing a curve ball.
Whatever the circumstances, I have been given an opportunity and I will make the most of it.

The most difficult thing so far has been trying to change my thought process from trying to think from a military leading perspective, to trying to think as an educational leading perspective. It seems at least, that I will be a leader of a classroom instead of a boarding party.
Anyway, to help myself begin to think like a teacher, I first want to think of teachers that I had during my own schooling, and identify things that stood out to me about them. I also need to decide of the kind of teacher that I want to be, (I'm hoping that this decision will change over time as I learn more and experience classroom life.)

What are some memories that stand out when you think back to teachers that you had during schooling?

I remember wanting to impress the teachers that I liked, I wanted to improve and succeed in their classes.

I remember a coach who knew I was not where I should be in content knowledge or skill, but did not offer me any support or guidance to help me get better. He did not even offer encouragement, or point out the things that I was doing well. I felt inadequate, and unworthy of my place on the team.

I remember one of my teachers doing a silly dance on a table as a reward for a boy diagnosed with autism who achieved a particular result on a mathematics test.

I remember a teacher who helped us put all of our memory verses to song to make them easier for the class to memorise. I remember most of the songs even now, almost ten years down the track.

What do you remember about your teachers personalities? 

I remember the teachers who treated me like an equal, and would hold a genuine conversation with me about how I was going, and where I wanted to be in various areas of life.

I remember a year one teacher that was so kind and gentle that every student loved her.

I remember a teacher who was quick to anger and point out my flaws. I also remember them over looking bullying that other children were directing towards me.

What do you remember about the environment? 
I can remember classrooms with lots and colour and our artwork strung up proudly from wall to wall. There were posters of whatever we were learning about on the walls, and sometimes a reading corner with comfy pillows or a chair. Some teachers made you feel welcome in their classroom, and others made you horrified  at the thought of making a mistake during the class.

Our lecturer spoke this week  on the important of the feelings of our students, and that got me thinking about how I would want the students in my class to feel.

Here is a mind map of my thoughts so far.

I have also considered why I want to be a teacher, this I will express through a poem.

The Teacher Students Come Back To.

I've heard of classrooms described like a circus,
Where crazy things go on.
I've heard teaching described as a tight rope walk,
One slip, you fall, and you're gone.

But I know in my heart that there's more,
To every teacher than what meets the eye.
Because every teacher is more than a teacher,
We can be doctors, comforters, or spies.

Teaching is the most important job,
Of any that can be done.
Because without teachers none of us could,
Find the aptitude to even count to one.

Teachers are blessed with a unique opportunity,
To have input into children's lives.
We pass on knowledge, ethics and values,
Through the simplest things like high fives.

Teachers alone have the power,
To encourage, nourish and grow.
But the dangerous side to the power,
Is that our words are forever known.

I want to be the teacher,
That all the children want to see.
As they bustle to class in the morning,
They'll smile when they see me.

I will be there for my students,
To wipe away the tears.
I'll be the one saying "Try again!
"I know you can do it my dear!"

I want to be the one who finds the love,
Amongst a child's broken heart.
I will show them it's ok to love again,
Because love can heal any broken heart.

I'll show the child who is labelled 'dumb',
What brilliance they offer the world.
They will know that that horrible word,
Has no place amongst my boys and girls.

And when my students leave me,
For another teacher, another grade.
I want my children to remember,
That whenever they may need me, I'll be their teacher for one more day.

So I've survived week one and though it's no New Entry Officer Course, I'm looking forward to the things I will learn, and the people I will meet.

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